




《警察如何放过基达杀手》剧集介绍:The story of how police repeatedly allowed a serial murderer to slip through their fingers. Stephen Port date-raped and murdered four young gay men in East London within fifteen months and dumped all four bodies within a few hundred metres of each other. Yet Barking and Dagenham police failed to link the deaths, until weeks after the fourth one. The film tells the story through eyes of the families of Port's victims, unpicking how the police failed to properly investigate each of the deaths in turn. The police's assumptions that these young gay men had died from self-inflicted overdoses of chem-sex drugs allowed Port to continue raping and killing innocent young men. The film unravels Port's sinister character and modus operandi. Port was motivated by a desire to satisfy his lust for abusive drug fuelled sexual encounters. He found all his victims through gay dating and social media sites, using multiple online profiles. Barking and Dagenham police's failings have led to huge anger amongst the families of Port's victims. Some have accused the police of institutional homophobia, and asked if officers would have investigated more thoroughly, had four young women turned up dead within such a small radius. The Met police have referred themselves to the Independent Police Complaints Commission over their handling of the case and will not comment on specific allegations until the IPCC investigation is complete.... 详情



  • 来自远方:刚刚
  • 唑蔷等红杏:7分钟前
    ④ 求韩国电影名男1号,男2号是韩国人,男1号妻子(女1号)是美国演员 男1号不孕,女1号求男2号帮忙生子
  • 庭外红梅:5分钟前
    ④ 找一个电影。就是一个麻袋套头还有铁链,穿破西服的人。你要盯着他看否则他就会离你越来越近
  • 乱石:2分钟前
  • BY若白衣:分钟前
  • 培根面包:8小时前
  • 日月落夕烟:1小时前
  • 狗尾巴草的可怜:5小时前
    『叁』 有一个电影,故事情节大概是这样的【有一个人想死,想了很多办法,但是都死不了,而且很搞笑】那是什么电
  • 丰贰:6小时前
    Ⅹ 一部韩国电影 三个劫匪绑架一个老太太 老太太有个屁巨人女儿 电影 叫什么名
  • ∫安羽兮:1天前
    黑豹神探 / 辣手刑警 /杀戮战警 Sha(2000) 蝙蝠侠贝尔饰演反派纨裤子弟华特谋杀了年轻黑人学生,遭到黑豹的逮捕。


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